from java if value go(pass) database 2 rule :
1/ "+admission_no+" (If it is number that means private int admission_no)
2/ '"+admission_no+"' (If it is varchar that means private string admission_no)
<script language="javascript">
function getInputVal(td_id,numberId){
var name = td_id+numberId;
var valOne = document.getElementById(name).innerHTML;
//var valTwo = document.getElementById(numberId).innerHTML;
//var total = parseInt(valOne)+parseInt(valTwo);
concatanation : concatanation is add of two string result. So no need double cotation for string variable of name.
var valOne = document.getElementById(name).innerHTML;
var valOne = document.getElementById("sc").innerHTML;
Ques: What is sum and concatanation ?
sum : sum is add of two numeric value result.It is need for parseInt
<script language="javascript">
function getInputVal(td_id,numberId){
var sc = td_id+numberId;
var valOne = document.getElementById(sc).innerHTML;
//var valTwo = document.getElementById(numberId).innerHTML;
//var total = parseInt(valOne)+parseInt(valTwo);
Single cotation and double cotation And no cotation
<td onClick="getInputVal('record<%=i %>');"><a href="#" ><img src="images/editable.jpg" style="border:none;"/></a>
Direct value pass in function using by single or double cotation.such as-
<script language="javascript">
function getInputVal(td_id){
var val = document.getElementById(td_id).innerHTML;
//var val1 = document.getElementById("record1").innerHTML; and var val1 = document.getElementById('record1').innerHTML; same
About no cotation
value pass as parameter in function using by no cotation.such as-
<td onClick="getInputVal('record<%=i %>');"><a href="#" ><img src="images/editable.jpg" style="border:none;"/></a>
Direct value pass in function using by single or double cotation.such as-
<script language="javascript">
function getInputVal(td_id){
var val = document.getElementById(td_id).innerHTML;
<jsp:include page="adminInclude/menu/adminLeftMenu.jsp"></jsp:include>
save = insert query
edit = update query
kaniz : subject : oracle data type
kaniz : subject : java sms send
Java model class a Private int COUNTRY_ID means only indicate intiger vaue. (Here int is primitive type data type)
Java model class a Private Intiger COUNTRY_ID means it indicates intiger or string value.
1/ "+admission_no+" (If it is number that means private int admission_no)
2/ '"+admission_no+"' (If it is varchar that means private string admission_no)
<script language="javascript">
function getInputVal(td_id,numberId){
var name = td_id+numberId;
var valOne = document.getElementById(name).innerHTML;
//var valTwo = document.getElementById(numberId).innerHTML;
//var total = parseInt(valOne)+parseInt(valTwo);
concatanation : concatanation is add of two string result. So no need double cotation for string variable of name.
var valOne = document.getElementById(name).innerHTML;
var valOne = document.getElementById("sc").innerHTML;
Ques: What is sum and concatanation ?
sum : sum is add of two numeric value result.It is need for parseInt
<script language="javascript">
function getInputVal(td_id,numberId){
var sc = td_id+numberId;
var valOne = document.getElementById(sc).innerHTML;
//var valTwo = document.getElementById(numberId).innerHTML;
//var total = parseInt(valOne)+parseInt(valTwo);
Single cotation and double cotation And no cotation
<td onClick="getInputVal('record<%=i %>');"><a href="#" ><img src="images/editable.jpg" style="border:none;"/></a>
Direct value pass in function using by single or double cotation.such as-
<script language="javascript">
function getInputVal(td_id){
var val = document.getElementById(td_id).innerHTML;
//var val1 = document.getElementById("record1").innerHTML; and var val1 = document.getElementById('record1').innerHTML; same
About no cotation
value pass as parameter in function using by no cotation.such as-
<td onClick="getInputVal('record<%=i %>');"><a href="#" ><img src="images/editable.jpg" style="border:none;"/></a>
Direct value pass in function using by single or double cotation.such as-
<script language="javascript">
function getInputVal(td_id){
var val = document.getElementById(td_id).innerHTML;
<jsp:include page="adminInclude/menu/adminLeftMenu.jsp"></jsp:include>
save = insert query
edit = update query
kaniz : subject : oracle data type
kaniz : subject : java sms send
Java model class a Private int COUNTRY_ID means only indicate intiger vaue. (Here int is primitive type data type)
Java model class a Private Intiger COUNTRY_ID means it indicates intiger or string value.
You can concatenate two strings using concat(), shown here:
String concat(String str)
This method creates a new object that contains the invoking string with the contents of str appended to the end. concat( ) performs the same function as +. For example,
String s1 = "one";
String s2 = s1.concat("two");
puts the string "onetwo" into s2. It generates the same result as the following sequence:
String s1 = "one";
String s2 = s1 + "two";
The replace( ) method replaces all occurrences of one character in the invoking string with another character. It has the following general form:
String replace(char original, char replacement)
Here, original specifies the character to be replaced by the character specified by replacement. The resulting string is returned. For example,
String s = "Hello".replace('l', 'w');
puts the string "Hewwo" into s.
The trim( ) method returns a copy of the invoking string from which any leading and trailing whitespace has been removed. It has this general form:
String trim( )
Here is an example:
String s = " Hello World ".trim();
This puts the string "Hello World" into s.
The trim( ) method is quite useful when you process user commands. For example, the following program prompts the user for the name of a state and then displays that state's capital. It uses trim( )to remove any leading or trailing whitespace that may have inadvertently been entered by the user.
// Using trim() to process commands.
class UseTrim {
public static void main(String args[])
throws IOException
// create a BufferedReader using
BufferedReader br = new
BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
String str;
System.out.println("Enter 'stop' to quit.");
System.out.println("Enter State: ");
do {
str = br.readLine();
str = str.trim(); // remove whitespace
System.out.println("Capital is Springfield.");
else if(str.equals("Missouri"))
System.out.println("Capital is Jefferson City.");
else if(str.equals("California"))
System.out.println("Capital is Sacramento.");
else if(str.equals("Washington"))
System.out.println("Capital is Olympia.");
// ...
} while(!str.equals("stop"));
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