Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Direct Print PDF file using pdfBox

import java.lang.reflect.Method; // add sohid
//import urldecode.url_encode;  // add sohid

import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.print.PrintService;
import java.awt.print.PrinterJob;

import oracle.forms.engine.Main;
import oracle.forms.handler.IHandler;
import oracle.forms.ui.VBean;

import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument;
//import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.encryption.AccessPermission;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDFont;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDTrueTypeFont;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDType0Font;

 * @author                        : Shohidul islam( 23-may-2012 )
 * Development Environment        : NetBean 6.8
 * Name of the File               :

 * This JavaBean is an attempt to eliminate the ORARRP client. Specificly in pos clients, as speed is main feature.
 * This JavaBean will allow a pdf from a full URL or a partial URL to be printed directly to the default or named printer
 * without a print dialog box.

  * A object that enables pdf files to be printed directly with no user intervention.
public class DirectPrint extends VBean {

     *  DIRECT_PRINT_PDF_URL - This is the full URL to the pdf. This for a report server that is on another server.
     *  Use this inplace of web.show_document(); in the PRINT_REPORT_OBJECT if the report server is not on the
     *  same server as the forms was launched.
     * <p><b>Forms Example:</b></p>
     * <code>set_custom_property('BeanArea',1,'DIRECT_PRINT_PDF_URL','');</code>
    protected static final ID pDirectPrintPDFURL = ID.registerProperty("DIRECT_PRINT_PDF_URL");
     *  SET_TTF_FROM_FS - Used to set a TrueType Font (TTF) from the filesystem. Ussualy a font that is not
     *  by default loaded into this class.
     *  Value: FontName[$]PATH
     *  Note: The FontName has to be the exact font name listed in the PDF document.
     *  The Path is C:\Windows\fonts\fontname.ttf.
     *  Use ListFont method to see the names in document if needed.
     *  Note: All font set by URL and FS are loaded on each print job.
     * <p><b>Forms Example:</b></p>
     * <code>set_custom_property('BeanArea',1,'SET_TTF_FROM_FS','fontname$full_path');</code>
    protected static final ID pSetTTFFromFS = ID.registerProperty("SET_TTF_FROM_FS");
     * Variables
   * Forms Handler.
    private IHandler mHandler = null; // Forms Handler

   * Forms Main Class.
    private Main formsMain = null; // Forms main class

   * Default Instance Name.
    private String this_instance_name = this.getDefaultName();

   * The protocol when a URL is built.
    private String protocol = null;

   * The domain when a URL is built.
    private String domain = null;

   * The port when a URL is built, the default value is 80.
    private int port = 80;

      // Using Fonts
   * The external fonts to load from filesystem.
    private Properties extFSFonts = new Properties();
   * Named Printer - inited with the default printer
   * Named Printer - inited with the default printer
    private PrintService currentPrintService = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob().getPrintService();

   * Default Constructor.
    public DirectPrint() {

    * Default init.
public final void init(IHandler handler) {
        mHandler = handler;
       try {
            Method method = handler.getClass().getMethod("getApplet", new Class[0]);
            Object applet = method.invoke(handler, new Object[0]);
            if (applet instanceof Main) {
                formsMain = (Main) applet;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            System.out.println("Exception init: " + ex.getMessage());
     loadDefaultFSFonts(); // for load font

   * Uses to set properties of the ID object.
   * @return The status of the set property
   * @param _args Value passed in from the forms bean call.
   * @param _ID The ID of the parameter that was called.
    public boolean setProperty(ID _ID, Object _args) {
        if (_ID == pDirectPrintPDFURL) {
            //check that argument is not null
            if ((_args != null)) {
                try {
                   //System.out.println("DIRECT_PRINT_PDF_URL: " + (String) _args);
                   //write_message("DIRECT_PRINT_PDF_URL: " + (String) _args);
                    //printPDFURL((String) _args);
     //               sendPDFURLToPrinter((String)_args);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                   System.out.println("Exception: " + ex.getMessage());

            return true;

         * SET_TTF_FROM_FS
         * ========================*/
        if (_ID == pSetTTFFromFS) {
            if ((_args != null) && (((String) _args).length() != 0)) {
              System.out.println("SET_TTF_FROM_FS: " + (String) _args);
              this.setFSFontProperty((String) _args);
            } else {
                // not valid argument was passed, print message to console
                System.out.println("Call to SET_TTF_FROM_FS can not be a null argument.");
            return true;
        return super.setProperty(_ID, _args);

   * This prints the URL to the currently set default printer.
   * @param pdfURLStr Full URL to the PDF to print.
    private void sendPDFURLToPrinter() {

        PDDocument document;

        try {
           // URL pdfFile = new URL(pdfURLStr); // comment by sohid because blank URL can not read
            //URL pdfFile = new URL(pdfURLStr.replaceAll(" ", "%20"));
             String pdfFile="E:\\green.pdf";
            //write_message("Printing URL: " + pdfURLStr);
              System.out.println(pdfFile.toString());  //sohid
              document = PDDocument.load(pdfFile);

           //   PDFont currFont = PDTrueTypeFont.loadTTF(document, new File("C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/" + "CarolinaBar-B39-25F2.ttf"));
         List pages = document.getDocumentCatalog().getAllPages();

            // load fonts here iterate over pages
            if (pages.isEmpty()) {
//                write_message("Pages list is empty");
                System.out.println("Pages list is empty");  //sohid
            } else {
                // System.out.println("sohid Pages list is NOT empty");  //sohid
                Iterator it = pages.iterator();

                while (it.hasNext()) {
                   PDPage currentPage = (PDPage);
                   Map map = currentPage.findResources().getFonts();
                   // System.out.println(" Sohid Map is: "+map.toString());  //sohid
                   Set mySet = map.keySet();
                   Iterator setInt = mySet.iterator();

                    while (setInt.hasNext()) {

                        String val = (String);
                      // System.out.println("Sohid Map Val: "+ val);  //sohid
                       PDType0Font pdt = (PDType0Font)map.get(val);
                      // System.out.println("My Font is = " + pdt.getFontDescriptor().getFontName()); //sohid
                  //     PDFont currFont = this.loadFontByName(document,pdt.getFontDescriptor().getFontName(),val);//pdt.getFontDescriptor().getFontName()
                        PDFont currFont = PDTrueTypeFont.loadTTF(document, new File("C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/" + "arial.ttf"));
                        if(currFont != null)

          //  AccessPermission currentPermissions = document.getCurrentAccessPermission();

//            if (!currentPermissions.canPrint()) {
//               System.out.println("Permission denied to print document.");
//            }

            PrinterJob printJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();

            // Close document

        } catch (Exception ex) {
//            write_message(ex.getMessage());

   private void setFSFontProperty(String fontNameDelimLocation)
      StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(fontNameDelimLocation,"$");
      String fontName = st.nextToken();
      String fontLocation = st.nextToken();

      // check that font name does not already exist
      if(extFSFonts.getProperty(fontName) == null )
       System.out.println("extFSFonts added: "+fontName);
        System.out.println("extFSFonts already set: "+fontName);

    private  void loadDefaultFSFonts()
      // Example: extFSFonts.setProperty(fontName,fontLocation);
        //"C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/" + "CarolinaBar-B39-25F2-Normal.ttf"
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        DirectPrint dr = new DirectPrint();

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