Tuesday, June 9, 2015

For database connection :
install iReport software then open it and click the Arrow icon :
step - 1 :

step - 2 :
icon click _a _newWindow_show.jpg

 step - 3 :
dbJDBC _connectionClick_a _newWindow_show.jpg (Blue color)
step - 4 :
1/ Fill up name field according to project database name (sales_pharma)
2/ Fill up JDBC Driver from combo according to project database type( as orcl database )
Note : Here top line( oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver ) of blue color selection part font  is black because ojdbc14.jar is ok.( describe under )
localhost will be and also fill up user name( sales_pharma ) and password( sales_pharma ) field according to project database connection :
so, finally screen fill up and click test button for sure then save button click  :

Finally screen short look like( red portion follow For fillUp form) ::

Another portion db connection jar include way :( ojdbc14.jar is ok.( describe under ) )
dbConnectivity_jar_addSystem.jpg :
at first keep the jar ( ojdbc14.jar  ) on desktop [ according to db connection jar ]
from upper menu :: Tools -> options click Then see the red portion window.Now do click add jar button in the red portion .

font include/add way :
at first keep the jar ( Maiandra GD.ttf  ) on desktop [ from controm panel -> font folder ]
from upper menu :: Tools -> options click Then see the red portion window.Now do click Install Font button in the red portion .

step - 1 :

step -2 :
Now browse button click for select font on the desktop and Click Next button Then see the following window -
Now Next next next -> finish button click Then see the below screen -
Now Keep this jar in project library folder .

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