Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Drug or sales pharma project Log in

public String successLogin(){
        int usrname = 0;
          boolean fg = true;
          con = dbc.connectDB();

           if (con == null) {
               fg = false;
           if (fg) {
               try { 
                   st = con.createStatement();                                       
               String query = "SELECT  USER_NAME,USER_ID,USER_PASS FROM UB_SYSTEM_USER WHERE USER_ID = '"+userId+"' AND USER_PASS = '"+userPass+"'  AND ACTIVATION_FLAG = 1 ";
                   ResultSet  rs = st.executeQuery(query);
                 while (rs.next()) {
                      usrname = rs.getRow();                
               } catch (SQLException sq) {         
                  } finally {
                    try {
                        if (rs != null) {
                    } catch (SQLException ex) {
           if (usrname>0) {
               return "successLogin";
            addFieldError("logMsg", "Invalid User ID or Password");
               return "notloginhomePage";   

jsp page ::
 <div style="color:#FF0000; ">
                                    <s:param value="logMsg"/>


java action class :
public class LoadAction extends ActionSupport {
// create method

struts2 configure :
<package name="web"  extends="jasperreports-default, struts-default, json-default" namespace="/">

1 comment:

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